P.O. Box 198808 Chicago, IL 60619 ~ Copy Right 2018@Women of Unique Distinction Ministries.org-All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy

Our Story

God planted the first seed of Women of Unique Distinction Ministries (WOUDM) in 2015 as “Coffee Time”. The Lord wanted women to gather together to have fun, learn about Him and step away from their busy lives. It was like having a small cup of coffee in the morning. God divinely connected the ministries founder with women that would become a part of Coffee Time.

Coffee Time gatherings were held in a home setting on a monthly basis and averaged about 8-15 women per meeting. Through laughter and creative educational activities women were knitted together and learned more about themselves and God. As 2016 approached, the Lord provided instruction and direction for Coffee Time to become a full blown ministry and Not For Profit Corporation. God revealed the ministry should be named Women of Unique Distinction Ministries because women are uniquely distinct and need love and support. The love and support provided would catapult them closer to God and launch them into their God given purpose.

To date, Women of Unique Distinction Ministries has touched the lives of many women. The ministry has hosted a total of 21 meetings since its beginning in 2015 as Coffee Time. In 2016, the ministry hosted its first special event gathering where women’s lives were changed forever. WOUDM is looking forward to the things God has in store for the future. We know that every event, meeting and encounter is divine. We are excited about connecting with you and hope to see you soon.